We are now welcoming back Racegoers to our first floor facilities, but on a limited capacity due to a severe flood in late 2023. Please check the individual ticketing page for availability and please purchase in advance of the race meeting.





13 November 2023

Following extensive flooding from the River Greet across the estate last month, the team at Southwell Racecourse have been working hard to repair both the racing facilities and track, as well as the various public areas that have suffered flood damage.

The first priority will be to safely resume racing as soon as possible. This will form part of a staged return to re-opening the racecourse and welcoming back participants including, owners and trainers, as well as racegoers and other customers.

Ahead of a resumption of racing, the Racecourse will undergo a full inspection by the British Horseracing Authority and host a gallop on the flat track. We hope to have more information on the exact date that we will be able to start racing again later this week.

All annual members and customers who have a ticket for an upcoming event will be contacted by the racecourse in due course with further updates regarding their booking.

The team at Southwell would like to thank all of our partners, customers and industry colleagues for their ongoing understanding and support as well as the various teams involved with repairing the racecourse.

Southwell Racecourse

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